Bayberry Powder


The shrub from which we obtain Bayberry Root Bark, which grows along the Atlantic coast of North America from the Maritime Provinces of Canada to the Florida Keys as well as swampland throughout the Southeast, is known by numerous aliases. In addition to its scientific name, Myrica cerifera, it also goes by wax myrtle, candleberry, and arbre à suif, or “tallow tree.” The name fits, as the berries provide a form of wax that is actually used in candlemaking.

Of greater interest to those who buy organic bulk herbs however is the bark itself. Gathered in November and early December, Bayberry Root Bark is removed from the trunk and branches by heating the roots, which is then used to make bulk dried herbs for sale.

Dried Myrica cerifera bark is one of the earliest natural herbs that American physicians studied and wrote about.